Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic (MoH SR) is the central state administration body for health care, health protection, public health insurance, further education of health professionals, natural healing spas, natural healing resources, natural mineral waters, pricing policy in the area of prices of products, services, and services in healthcare and in the area of rental prices of non-residential premises in healthcare facilities, control of the ban of biological weapons.
Within the scope of its competence, the Ministry of Health is entitled to establish non-profit organisations, state enterprises and joint-stock companies and establishes contributory and budgetary organisations.
MoH SR acts as the Contracting Authority in line with the valid public procurement legislation. MoH SR also voluntarily acts as the Central Procurement Body (CPB) for the health sector, in the past, MoH SR launched several Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) or ran Framework Contracts on different types of medical appliances (e. g. MRs, CTs, medical beds, pharmaceuticals).
Currently, MoH SR as CPB is preparing for the launch of several DPSs on different types of complex medical appliances and pharmaceuticals. In addition to this, MoH SR also provides consultancy and support in public procurement to different contracting authorities in the health sector.
Under WP3 MoH SR will contribute to setting the Dephi expert’s panel and will participate at other relevant tasks.
Under WP4 MoH SR will contribute in structured dialogue sessions and will participate at other relevant tasks.
Under WP5 MoH SR will conduct respective tasks related to Dissemination, communication, exploitation and impact assessment.
Contributor for WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5.
Under WP1 MoH SR will conduct respective tasks related to Project management and coordination.
Under WP2 MoH SR is appointed as leader to carry out the work in its country, named the “Country Leader”. MoH SR will be responsible for setting the “Country Node”, will collect information for the Observational Study on European Healthcare & Public Procurement Environment and will cooperate at other tasks under WP2.