Opened on January 1, 1757, the "Sfântul Spiridon" Hospital in Iasi remains in the history of the Romanian health system as one of the first medical establishments established in the Romanian Countries.

The settlement was built in the vicinity of St. Spiridon's Church and has kept the name of its patron and spiritual protector until today. Throughout its troubled history, the hospital has now reached a unanimously recognised peak.

This hospital has seen outstanding national awards: the first lens transplant; the first transparietohepatic cholangiogram; the first percutaneous external drainage; the highest number of endoscopic retrograde cholistopancreatographies in the country; the first percutaneous angioplasty; the first endoscopic gastrostomy; first laparoscopic ablation of an ovarian cyst; first laparoscopic Heller extramuscular cardiomyopathy; first laparoscopic suturing of perfuncal ulcer and certainly, not least, organ harvesting and first liver transplantation in the region of Moldova.

The value, the irreproachable professional conduct, the competence of the doctors who trained, have trained and are still training here, are a clear proof of these achievements.


Hospital Clinic Judetean Sfantul Spiridon Iasi is a Partner in the Pro Cure project and the only Romanian entity involved in the Project.

Hospital Clinic Judetean Sf Spiridon Iasi is the country leader responsible for establishing the Country Node.

Hospital Clinic Judetean Sf Spiridon Iasi is a public purchaser in Romania and one of the members of the Consortium - who knows how the health system and the related procurement system are structured in Romania, who are the main stakeholders, what are the interactions between them.