What is EU Contract HUB?

EU Contract Hub is an open platform that facilitates the exploration and analysis of public procurement contracts in the European Union, in addition to socioeconomic indicators of the ProCure consortium countries extracted from OECD and EUROSTAT.

The goal of EU Contract Hub

We aim to simplify the public procurement consultation process, adapting open data from Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) to a more user-friendly representation for non-experts and using AI techniques to further enrich this information. We enable an easier cross-reference of information along different data sources by homogenising both the data format and the language.


Unveiling EU Contract Hub: A Game-Changer in Healthcare Procurement!

PROCURE EU Contract Hub Presentation at EKAW - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management


If you find any errors or you would like to provide feedback to our developers, please contact virginia.ramon@upm.es or alvaro.fontecha@upm.es with the subject “EU Contract Hub feedback” and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance!